Thursday, January 17, 2008


Let me start this post by celebrating myself.

Today I'm 31 years old.

My dad always tells me the story of my birth, or rather impending birth on January 17th. I arrived about 3 weeks early. It was -26 degrees in Chicago. The car wouldn't start. So they used a neighbors VW bug to get my mom to the hospital. It was about a 30 minute car ride. My mom was scraping frost from the inside of the windshield... and through this comedy of errors, they decided on my name.

Jennifer Lynn.

How original for a girl born in the '70's! Good job Mom & Dad!

We had dinner and cake. It's been a nice day, very relaxing.

I have spent the last half-hour or so surfing the net, one of my favorite past-times. And one of my guilty pleasures is Perez. Yup, I admit it. I love good smut.

It's usually good for a good laugh. But tonight, I saw this, and it literally sent a chill down my spine.

I don't even know who this woman is. Honestly. The only reason I know of her is from what Perez "reports" of her. But any news of another's miscarriage makes me want to cry. Because I know the pain she's going through right now. I can't imagine announcing to the whole world that you're pregnant, and then having to announce to the whole world that now you're not.

My heart goes out to you Lily... who-ever and where-ever you are.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Happy Birthday Jen! (you are still sooo young, I'm jealous).

I'm with you on the name thing... Michelle Lynn here... the other popular name to Jennifer.

ANd, I saw that news about Lily Allen. I was so sad to hear that. I know how it feels to be there, and I suspect it's way harder when the world knows you miscarried.