Monday, February 18, 2008


I haven't been blogging of late.


Because there is really nothing going on in my life right now. I mean, there is the everyday, run-of-the-mill stuff, but that's about it.

Which is fine. But rather boring.

One thing that has happened since I last blogged is that I'm doing "Weight Watchers." In quotes because it's my version of the plan! But today marks the 3 week mark, and I'm 9 pounds lighter! I've also gone back to the gym. I had stopped going around the holidays (not too bright, as I gained 10 pounds from Thanksgiving until 3 weeks ago!), but we were just too busy.

I've been consitently been trying to go now at least 3 times a week, when Matthew is in pre-school. The problem being snow days, snow days, and President's Day. Oh well.

There is news on the TTC/TTP front. No, unfortunately, I'm not pregnant! But I think we've come up with a new course of action. I refuse to call it a plan anymore, well, because the best laid out plans haven't worked out for us.

But a course of action. First off, I have to get healthy. Not only for reproductive purposes, but I have to do it for my health in general. I refuse to publish how much I weigh. I out right refuse. But, I do feel somewhat comfortable sharing my BMI.

It's a sad truth. 29.

Anything over 30 is considerd "obese." Shit!

I really don't want to be in that catergory. Definately not good for TTC, not good for anything.

So, we are going to TTC on our own with timed intercourse and possibly do the whole Femara/IUI until my BMI is less than or equal to 24.9... or "Normal Weight." A mere 36 pounds to go.

Assuming I will not get pregnant in this time, I will then be at a healthier weight, for myself and for looking more seriously at IVF.

I'm not overly confident I will ever be able to carry another baby to term. But being at a healthier weight may help a little.

Not to mention, it's a good distraction.

Speaking of distractions, I have only been watching American Idol a few times here and there this season. I was browsing (go figure), and came across his picture:

He made it to the final 24 on American Idol. I went to college with this guy! Millikin University is a small school with about 3,000 students, located in the Soy Bean capital of the universe. I really didn't know him, but a couple of my friends were pretty close to him. So everyone and watch and vote for Luke Menard!

See, lots of distractions... weight loss and American Idol... should keep me busy over the next few months!

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Good luck with WW! I am constantly on and off WW all the time (should I mention my BMI is way more than yours)? I've found WW to be the only decent way to eat and feel in control food-wise.

Btw, I think I am going to start up my weekly American Idol reviews on my blog (I did it last year). It distracts me from other things ;-)